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Robert Wood - Spirit PapasJoin Spirit Papa A special and unique teaching program for students (spiritual children/adults) of Robert Wood who have decided to devote their lives to advanced spiritual awakening.

A membership site to build community and connections with fellow spiritual like-minded light workers.

Young and Old Souls who are awake to an inner spiritual nature and they have a desire to grow and expand their intuition. Members who are accepted who filled out an application and once approved will do a short interview and agree to the guidelines of the membership.

This membership is for instruction and fellowship only, requiring no contracts, dogma or religious beliefs. All practices are voluntary and done by the participants free will.

No demands or expectations are placed on the membership.

The guidelines are to provide a safe and confidential platform to enhancing the students training and master their awakening consciousness.

Upon acceptance members will have full access to guidelines, support and video trainings. Special programs and instructions and events will be offered to members only.

There are THREE levels to the membership God children/adult program

LEVEL 1 God child (ages 44 to 55).
LEVEL 2 grandchildren (age 28 to 43).
LEVEL 3 great grandchildren (age 16-27)


    Application for spirit papa

    NAME : First

    Date of birth
    Place of birth optional )

    Time of birth (optional)


    1. How long have you known you had a interest in spiritual awareness and - what age

    2.List some experiences you have had that gave you interest in spiritual growth

    3. What religion or special teaching did you grow up in.

    4. Are you affiliated with any religious or spiritual organization at this time

    5. What studies are you currently involved in pertaining to your spiritual interests

    6. What practices are you current doing ? yoga, meditation, teaching ??

    7. What spiritual interests are you wanting to learn more about

    8. How long have you been getting reading or counseling with Robert Wood

    9. What is your purpose this lifetime

    10. Are you ready to do more inner spiritual practices and growth

    11. What are you interesting in manifesting

    12. Declare your vision and desires for spiritual growth.

    13 List some personal commitments you would like to make to yourself this year.

    14. Are you currently teaching publicly or professionally any of your spiritual skills

    do you have an interest to do so... in right timing

    15. What is your main reason and important interest you have in joining Spirit Papa

    16. Are you interested in meeting and sharing with other future members (yes or no boxes )

    17. Do you understand that this program is ran by free will love offering and participation is voluntary

    18. If accepted in the program are you willing to follow the guidelines _ yes or no boxes

    Sign and date

    Upon approval and acceptance to Spirit Papa you will be given the guidelines to read and sign
    and a log in membership account and a list of questions to study for the interview. Please also find a picture to post. and create a profile description of yourself based on this application.

    Thank you for the interest you have in this program and it will be a deep love honor to have you and your support. I AM very excited to create this membership program to help you and the world bring the light of Spirit to many.
    Thank you for the interest you have in this program and it will be a deep love honor to have you and your support. I AM very excited to create this membership program to help you and the world bring the light of Spirit to many.
    LOVE ALWAYS Spirit papa Robert (bobby the oracle) Wood