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Join the NO LOSS Community

Welcome to the NO LOSS RELATIONSHIP Community by joining you receive special training videos and teaching pertaining to making your relationships holy. Based on A Course in Miracle and years of couples training and seminars, Robert Wood has devoted his life to spiritual relationships. Relationships are a major key to advance spiritual evolution. Relationships are a measuring marker to alignment with Universal ONENESS called HOLY.

AS A Member you will receive:

  1. A monthly newsletter sharing events and information to what happening in the life of the community and key members who are producing content to assist your spiritual advancement.
  2. Monthly and weekly teaching based on the book “THE NO LOSS RELATIONSHIP” which take special sections and elaborate on them. Learning to practice the workbook in current specific involvements.
  3. Access to Robert’s videos on YOUTUBE that bring detail explanation of “A course in Miracles” teaching about HOLY RELATIONSHIPS.
  4. Discounts on products, and services such as Soul Reading, counseling and classes. Zoom classes held every week on voluntary donations.
  5. Opportunity to Join the Spirit PAPA training… A specific training program for serious advance teachers of HOLY LOVE. Application required. (Under Spirit Papa).

Join Today

By signing up now you receive the book “ THE NO LOSS RELATIONSHIP at no cost.the No Loss Relationship E-book

No Loss Relationship Group

You may select only one level from this group.

Level Price  


No Loss Group Membership - Monthly Subscription

$8.88 per Month.

No Loss Membership - Yearly Subscription

$88.88 per Year.
